Monthly Archives: September 2018

Share International Magazine Update – September 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“At the present time, the Masters are gathering Their forces for the onslaught on tyranny and greed, exploitation and want. They know that not all men are ready for the changes which must ensue but they know, too, that most men, by far, desire a new dimension of life, and are ready for the deeds and sacrifices which will bring it into being. They will not be slow to respond to the counsel of the Great Ones. Make ready to see Them and to answer Their call. Make ready to act and to aid Them in Their task. Make ready, too, for the stream of new light, new life and new knowledge which will flow from Them into the world.

Thus will all be changed. Thus will the old be swept away and a new era begin. Thus will the Teachers revitalize men’s lives and create the conditions for the emergence of a new man.

The new man will demonstrate his allegiance to the truth that humanity is One, held together by the force of Love Itself; by his tolerance and harmlessness, his correct relation to all the kingdoms. The new man will be known by his capacity for right action, intuitively understood; by his ability to interpret rightly the Will of God. Thus will gradually emerge the God Who sits within the heart of all men, potential, waiting to be called into manifestation by the actions of man himself.

The key to this development lies in a growing working relationship between the Masters and men. From this will grow a bond so deep that naught can sever it, creating thus a channel for the gifts of wisdom, love and knowledge which are the Masters’ to bestow. Their divinity will call forth the divine in man, and men will discover they have been, forever, Gods.”

From: The Knowers return, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.