Share International Magazine Update – December 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“We are entering an age in which reason will gradually be replaced by the higher faculty of intuition. That which constitutes the reasoning faculty in man, and of which he is justly proud, will one day drop beneath the threshold of consciousness and become as instinctive as breathing or moving is today. There lies ahead of man an immense increase in awareness through the unfolding of his intuition, an awareness of states of Being as yet altogether unknown to him but which lie ready to be perceived by his awakened mind.

All expansions of consciousness are preceded by periods of tension, and this time of conflict and difficulty through which mankind is now passing will be succeeded by one of tranquillity and poise, which will set the stage for the gradual flowering of the intuition.

The next step in the flowering of the race will be the advent of those souls in whom the intuitive faculty is already active and potent. Those souls are now being gathered on the inner planes of life and soon will make their appearance. They will constitute the next (6th) sub-race of the present 5th root race and will lead humanity out of the darkness of the limited rational mind into the light of the intuition.

…Separateness is unknown when the intuition functions; the Oneness of all things is directly perceived. The illusions of the rational mind are transcended and Reality is known… As the intuition unfolds, so do the separative tendencies of the rationalising mind diminish and a healthier climate for all relationships is the beneficent result… awaken the intuition and dissolve the darkness; awaken the intuition and cast out all fear.”

From: Reason and intuition, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.

Share International Magazine Update – November 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“Among humanity today is a growing number of men and women who are engaged in outlining the principles on which the new civilization will be built. They are to be found in almost every country, and they propagate the teachings which reflect the qualities of the New Age of Aquarius… These are the forerunners, sent ahead to prepare men for the experiences which will characterize the New Age.

More and more, men are seen as superfluous in a struggle for existence, mere pawns in a gigantic game of ‘hunt the dollar’. Human trust and social cohesion are nowhere to be seen in this rapacious contest for gain at any cost. Not for much longer can humanity stand the strain of this struggle, in which men are taking their stand, for love or insane greed.

Behind the scenes Maitreya and His Group fan the flames of this conflict and gradually, more and more, men are beginning to see their path. With growing will, they voice aloud their need for change, following the precepts of the men and women of vision who are leading the way.”

From: The forerunners, by Benjamin Creme’s Master

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.

Share International Magazine Update – October 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“More and more, the nations are beginning to recognize, to take seriously and to deal with, an age-old problem, namely corruption… In modern times, the large corporations of the West have been found guilty of ‘cooking the books’ on a massive scale, while in the East it is taken for granted that every transaction needs the ‘greasing’ of someone’s palm.

Corruption is endemic, and runs through some societies from the president or prime minister to the police and sport. Electoral corruption is rampant, as recent elections have demonstrated, even in countries supposedly dedicated to freedom and democracy. Such corrupt governments fail and betray their peoples and so surrender their right to govern.

To help men to do this, you may be sure that Maitreya will be at pains to demonstrate to men the eroding effect of corruption in all its many manifestations. He will show that if men would become the Gods they essentially are, they must abandon the old ways of deceit and subterfuge. To tackle the serious environmental problems, He will explain, men must work together, in trust. Without trust, Maitreya will emphasize, little can be done.

Maitreya will show that men have but one choice to create the necessary trust: to share the produce of this bounteous Earth more evenly across the world, and so end for ever the starvation and poverty of millions, dying in the midst of plenty.

World public opinion will find its voice and its Mentor, and against its power the obstructive voices of the greedy dictators and corrupt politicians will fade. So will it be, and so will begin the cleansing and transformation of this world.”

From: The end of corruption, by Benjamin Creme’s Master

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.

Share International Magazine Update – September 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“At the present time, the Masters are gathering Their forces for the onslaught on tyranny and greed, exploitation and want. They know that not all men are ready for the changes which must ensue but they know, too, that most men, by far, desire a new dimension of life, and are ready for the deeds and sacrifices which will bring it into being. They will not be slow to respond to the counsel of the Great Ones. Make ready to see Them and to answer Their call. Make ready to act and to aid Them in Their task. Make ready, too, for the stream of new light, new life and new knowledge which will flow from Them into the world.

Thus will all be changed. Thus will the old be swept away and a new era begin. Thus will the Teachers revitalize men’s lives and create the conditions for the emergence of a new man.

The new man will demonstrate his allegiance to the truth that humanity is One, held together by the force of Love Itself; by his tolerance and harmlessness, his correct relation to all the kingdoms. The new man will be known by his capacity for right action, intuitively understood; by his ability to interpret rightly the Will of God. Thus will gradually emerge the God Who sits within the heart of all men, potential, waiting to be called into manifestation by the actions of man himself.

The key to this development lies in a growing working relationship between the Masters and men. From this will grow a bond so deep that naught can sever it, creating thus a channel for the gifts of wisdom, love and knowledge which are the Masters’ to bestow. Their divinity will call forth the divine in man, and men will discover they have been, forever, Gods.”

From: The Knowers return, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.

Share International Magazine Update – July/August 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“It is near the time for mankind’s great decision. Expectant, the Lords Themselves await that decisive moment. Few there are, indeed, among the multitudes who know the importance of this time, the choice for man: to plunge headlong, unheeding, to disaster; or to reorder, and sanctify with justice and freedom, the life for all men.

To enable men to understand the consequences of their actions, Maitreya stands ready to enter the public sphere. He will add His persuasive wisdom to the call for sanity and peace. He will inspire and teach.

With impatience do many await this time, knowing little of the many factors, cosmic and other, which must be balanced by Maitreya to fulfill the law. Nothing may be done which infringes the free will of men; naught but the Law, and an understanding of the times, can influence the judgement of Maitreya on the moment of His public appearance. Of one thing you may be assured: not one moment’s delay will be countenanced by Maitreya which would, otherwise, allow His open mission of service to begin. He alone is the arbiter of that moment. Await, and trust, His judgement.”

From: A perennial choice, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.

Share International Magazine Update – June 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“How long, we must ask, will it take man to realize that war solves nothing, proves nothing and adds only pain and loss to the peoples of Earth?

A major reason for the Masters’ return to the everyday world is, precisely, to remind men of this, to so influence their thinking that they turn away from war for ever. So many nations today possess the nuclear bomb, the most destructive weapon ever conceived and built, that a future major war would be the ultimate horror: the complete destruction of life on planet Earth. For many millions of years Earth would be a dead planet, a toxic waste. Men, themselves, would have to incarnate on some dark, far-off world, and begin again the long, long journey into the light.

Sharing and justice alone, He will say, will ensure the future for men. Strive for unity and co-operation for the men of Earth are One. ‘See your brother as yourself’ and take the first step into your divinity. ‘Take your brother’s need as the measure for your action and solve the problems of the world. There is no other course.’ ”

From: The blasphemy of war, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.

Share International Magazine Update – May 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“Men must come to realize that the people of all the nations are one and equal, dependent each upon the other. No one nation owns, nor can rule, the world. No one nation can stand alone against the rest. The days of empire and dominion are past. Man is on the threshold of a new understanding of his role on planet Earth. This involves a change in his relationship to his fellow travellers on the path to wisdom and true stewardship of the planet’s bounty.

We, your Elder Brothers, will help men to make this change. Maitreya will set before men the alternative to action and the transformation of the world. He will show that without a change of direction the future would be difficult and bleak indeed. He will also inspire men to realize their interdependence, the reality of their Brotherhood.”

From: The Brotherhood of Man, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.

Share International Magazine Update – April 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“It will not surprise any intelligent reader to learn that, in Our estimation, the present chaotic economic and resultant social conditions will not last for very much longer. Nor do We see a sudden transformation and return to the mythical ‘status quo’. The peoples of the world, in millions, have begun to sense the aroma of freedom, and for little longer will be denied its boon.

The old order is collapsing and no government can halt this process. The new energies of Aquarius are waxing stronger, breaking asunder the old corrupt and decadent order. The young, and young at heart, are the first to register the appearance of this new aspiration for justice. The desire for right relationship wells up strongly in the hearts of the young.

Meanwhile Maitreya continues His progress among the nations, speaking freely of the need for justice, sharing and love.”

From: The aspiration of the young, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.

Share International Magazine Update – March 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“When men eventually take stock of their present situation they must surely admit that all is not well for humanity. Political, economic, social, environmental conditions are filled with problems which test the resources of all the countries to the limit… Today, it is the people who are ahead of their leaders, and are voicing aloud their understanding and needs. In country after country, the voice of the people is becoming more focused and distinct. Millions are now educated and sure of their needs: peace, work and hope for their future. A growing sense of unity, too, is beginning to inform their expectations and demands. They know they are not alone in the world but have millions of brothers and sisters everywhere, with the same problems and needs. In this way, even if unaware of His presence and teachings, they are responding to Maitreya’s energy and influence, and building the framework of the future.”

From: Change towards Unity, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.

Share International Magazine Update – January/February 2018

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that the conflict between Good and Evil is being won by the Forces of Light. Gradually the Good is gaining the upper hand in this age-old struggle for the minds and hearts of men. To some, this may seem an astonishing statement to make in the light of the tensions and cleavages which exist in the world. Yet such is the case, and were you to see the world and events as do We, the Elder Brothers, you would see a world undergoing an extraordinary transformation. On all sides there is evidence that the old order is crumbling. Ancient hatreds divide the peoples and lawlessness abounds, but everywhere there are signs that a new spirit is awakening in man, a new sense of responsibility and a renewed reverence for life in all its forms…”

From: Victory is assured, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.