Share International Magazine update November 2015

The latest abridged and online version of Share International magazine can be viewed by clicking here.

“The first signs of this most welcome change in human behaviour can be seen in the millions who now march denouncing war and calling for justice and peace. These demonstrations, spontaneous and worldwide, are a sure indication that mankind is ready to renounce the past, and, when properly led, to change direction. This time is fast approaching… The time of decision is nigh, almost upon us. Maitreya is ready, eager to show the way, point the new direction.”

From: The ultimate choice, by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, SI June 2004

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A hard copy of Share International magazine is freely donated on a monthly basis to the Central Library (Reference Library), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EG and to the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, 5 Upper Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2JN.